Home of the Helpdesk

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Did you know that your IT Project will probably go over budget, miss the target date, or underperform its original intention?

Look at these statistics:

  • McKinsey: Half of large IT projects ($15 million or more) go over budget by 45% on average.
  • Harvard Business Review: One in six IT projects has an average cost overrun of 200%.
  • Strategy+business: 91.5% of projects go over budget, over schedule, or both.

If that doesn’t worry you enough, here is some additional sobering news:

  • Only 0.5% of IT projects meet all three measures of success: completed within budget, on time, and deliver the intended benefits.
  • Projects that fail to meet one or more measures of success exceed their budgets by 75% on average.
  • 17% of failed projects threaten the survival of the business.

Here are some projects I am proud of:

Arts and Crafts

What kind of art projects can I help you with

I enjoy Woodworking, painting, and stained glass projects. What a great way to temper the harshness of a mostly technical profession!


Website Maintenance

Trying out a new site?

Need a

Process Design


Do you feel like your processes are failing under their own weight?

Need a facilitator to walk you through current vs. ideal?

I can help

Did you know?

I can manage your helpdesk!

Let’s talk about how to keep track of break/fix, to-dos, and requests within your small business.